Embodied correspondences with the material world: Marcel Jousse’s ‘laboratory of the self’ as a force for creative practice in performer training in Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Volume 10 (1)
La Mancha Theatre Company and School – Chile: An Enactive Paradigm, In: Evans, M., Kemp, R. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Jacques Lecoq, Routledge.
The Threepenny Opera: Experiencing Intersections Bertolt Brecht and Jacques Lecoq, paper presented at Intersections: Colloquium of Performance Research, Central School of Speech and Drama (CSSD).
Processes of Transmission: A Laboratory of the Self, paper presented at The Performer Training Working Group, Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) Conference, University of Glasgow.
Practice as Research: Models and Problems, paper presented at the Pre-Sessional Research Seminar, University of Exeter.
Vivien Leigh: The Actress, presented at the Vivien Leigh Symposium hosted by University of Exeter and Topsham Museum.
Shakespeare a Dos Tiempos. Six-week residency: Centro Nacional de las Artes – CENART, Mexico.